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By psychologist August 31, 2003
At the end of my last article on depression, I stated that I was going to follow up with a second article on the different types of depressive disorders. With professional time demands, I never ...
By fatherfrank August 28, 2003
RJ is a twin from an intact home. Mom is a stay at home Mom. Dad has his own business. RJ is nineteen and a high school dropout. His twin sister is a second year ...
By museums August 27, 2003
On the Fourth of July our thoughts are fondly turned towards fireworks. Where can we see them (where can we grab some of the noisy sparkly things for ourselves?). We look forward to the darkened ...
By babystuff August 27, 2003
When I had my first son I was the first in my circle of friends to have a child. Five years later, I had my second child. By this time most of my friends had ...
By mobd August 27, 2003
In today's fiercely competitive economy if you are a manufacturer, in addition to whatever widgets you produce, you better add continuous improvement to your product list. Your long term success will very likely depend on ...
By pharmacist August 24, 2003
Biologists have found a class of chemicals that they hope will make people live longer by activating an ancient survival reflex. One of the chemicals, a natural substance known as resveratrol, is found in red ...
By mobd August 22, 2003
En las columnas pasadas nosotros hemos discutido el asunto de los invertidores "ngeles" y vas alternativas para conseguir financiamiento. Sin embargo para la mayora de dueos minortarios y pequeas empresas en general, la fuente primaria ...
By fatherfrank August 21, 2003
It is hard to believe that summer is racing to a close. Many of us are getting ready to send our children back to school. Some of us are getting ready to teach a new ...
By horticulture August 21, 2003
I think everyone can agree that this summer has been a strange one and has been a stark contrast to the droughts that we went through for the past three years. The above average rainfall ...
By babystuff August 20, 2003
The hardest thing I've found about having two children has been balancing my time between them (never mind making time for myself.) Set the scene: I'm standing in the diningroom with newborn Max screaming in ...
By mobd August 20, 2003
In past columns we have addressed the issue of investment "angels" and other alternative financing sources, however for most minority and small businesses the primary source of money to build or expand is a bank. ...
By fatherfrank August 16, 2003
Hate is a very strong word. It contains a depth of negative emotion. It is an emotion people learn from experience or the example of others.
Over the last few months we have ...
By coachingforcareers August 12, 2003
With the job market the way it is today, it seems like a crazy idea to ask for a raise, bonus, or promotion. Or, is it? Now may be the best time, because you will ...
By singles August 11, 2003
INTRODUCING: THE LONG ISLAND BACHELOR OF THE MONTH! Brought to you by Lauralyn "Lucky Strike" Avallone Ok, ladies, here's your's the end of summer and time to meet the match (a.k.a your "Lucky Strike") ...
By Robin Frank August 09, 2003
As people head to the beach with their bathing suits, or eye hot summer fashions that include hip-hugging pants and tight tops, many are also eyeing ways to improve the way they look. For many ...
By fatherfrank August 05, 2003
Denial is a very painful reality. It alienates friends and family. It destroys life-giving relationships. Sometimes, if not confronted, it actually kills people.
AJ is the middle son of five boys. He is ...
By mobd August 05, 2003
Minority business owners - in fact most business owners -- are good at doing the 'business' that they run. Owners have a passion for the product or service they provide. They love what they do ...
By museums August 04, 2003
Begin your historic tour of Port Jefferson, a fabulous old ship building town, at the Mather House, only one of a number of historic properties managed by the Historical Society of Greater Port Jefferson, Inc. ...
By careers August 04, 2003
An informational interview, also known as a research interview, is your opportunity to speak to individuals that are in the position to offer you advice, support, and guidance regarding your job search or career transition. ...
By fatherfrank August 01, 2003
Parenting teenagers on a good day is a complicated, challenging enterprise. A manual isn't dropped off in the maternity ward when a child is born. Most of us who take parenting seriously work at it ...