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By outplacement September 30, 2003
Downsizing is never an easy decision. There is an inherent conflict between protecting the company's interests and that of employees. This balancing act can be a real dilemma for an organization as it tries to ...
By hypnosis September 29, 2003
Why Hypnotherapy? Many problems are difficult to overcome alone. Hypnotherapy helps you combat your challenges such as smoking, anxiety, over-eating, stress, chronic pain, or insomnia. Often, people choose hypnotherapy to sharpen their abi
By parrots September 28, 2003
DO|S & DON|TS GIVE YOUR BIRD THE BEST CARE POSSIBLE BY SHERRILL ROBINSON DO|S Provide your bird with the largest cage possible. Make sure the bar spacing is such that the bird cannot get its ...
By AppreciatingDiversity September 26, 2003
Over the past few months, I've received emails from a number of Long Islanders looking for a diversity training program similar to the one I offer--which by the way, is fun, informative and contains a ...
By fatherfrank September 24, 2003
Silence. It is a very deadly word. It can literally destroy a person's life or put another person's life in jeopardy. If you become aware of something that is wrong or dangerous, what should you ...
By babystuff September 23, 2003
While there are lots of factors influencing a person's personality, birth order seems to be more of a science than what your "sign" is. I am the second born in a family of four children. ...
By marriageenrichment September 23, 2003
Physical Intimacy and it's impact on Marriage We must acknowledge that we are all being way over- stimulated - even family TV shows, commercials, magazines, etc. are full of sexual material - young, good-looking people ...
By aging September 23, 2003
This past June I was invited to attend a unique conference held on Long Island, produced by Intergenerational Strategies, and based on a national model called, The Leadership Forum. Organizations representing Seniors and Youth, as ...
By pharmacist September 22, 2003
We are all aware of the immediate cessation of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trials, involving Conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy (CHRT) due to negative outcomes noted ( i.e., increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, breast c
By fatherfrank September 18, 2003
How much control should parents have over their teenagers? That question caused quite a stir in my freshman humanities class. Needless to say my students' response ran the gamut. Some felt that parents should have ...
By estateplanning September 17, 2003
What is Special Needs Law? Special Needs Law is the practice of law dedicated to helping persons with disabilities (or "special needs") and their families by navigating their government benefits and estate planning options. Do ...
By childdevelopment September 16, 2003
Soccer Mom's. Listen up. Coaching Dad's. Two income families. There is nothing wrong with any of the above, when taken by itself. But very often it does point out a tendency in society today that ...
By marriageenrichment September 16, 2003
Today there are more pressures on marriage then ever before - making it more difficult for couples to stay together. Two weeks ago we discussed the importance of communication in marriage and last week we ...
By travel September 14, 2003
It's time for those fall weekend trips and one place that will provide a fascinating outing is the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Connecticut. The Maritime Aquarium opened in 1988 with the promise of preserving the ...
By mediarelations September 12, 2003
In many instances during your career, a reporter may call you directly for a comment about a story. There are a few general guidelines you should follow to effectively communicate with the reporter. 1. Respond ...
By fatherfrank September 11, 2003
During the first week in September, as our children were returning to school, the state of Florida had another human execution. By lethal injection, they killed a former minister of religion, Paul Hill, who engaged ...
By ferrets September 10, 2003
One of the ferret's most endearing qualities is it's playful nature. Playing is what ferrets do best. Well, that and getting into everything and anything, but that's a whole other topic. A ferret would ...
By marriageenrichment September 08, 2003
How does becoming a parent impact a marriage? Soccer Mom's. Listen up. Coaching Dad's. Two income families. There is nothing wrong with any of the above, when taken by itself. But very often it does ...
By spamfighters September 05, 2003
What is spam? Have you ever received e-mail in your inbox with headlines such as "Need Viagra?", "Lose Those Extra Pounds Today", "Bad Credit? No Problem" or "Size Does Matter"? You probably didn't request this ...
By fatherfrank September 04, 2003
The present administration of our nation regularly chants, "No child shall be left behind." The rhetoric is touching. In theory I think the President and his merry band of misguided advisors mean well. However, the ...